New course for Sep 2021 launched!

Thursday 23 September 2021 - Friday 24 September 2021

Leading in Organisations and Systems Training


(23-24 Sep 2021)

How does one lead and manage an organisation in the context of complex relationships, shared challenges and conflicting interests? How can senior leaders leverage their organisation to influence wider systems and networks in the interest of responsible and sustainable business?

The Leading in Organisations and Systems Executive Education short course will provide the tools for systems thinking and develop the capacities for leading sustainably in complex contexts. The two-day course brings together cutting-edge research on systems leadership, responsible business, and sustainability.

The main aims are to:

  • Understand management and leadership issues and trends in organisations.
  • Understand organisations and their ecosystems from a systems perspective.
  • Systemically manage ethical risks in the organisation.
  • Support responsible and sustainable employee engagement and performance, individually and in teams.
  • Engage in strategic thinking in complex systems.
  • Practice collaborative leadership skills and behaviours.

Sign up HERE

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